Month: July 2014

Dream Cast: Ghost Patrick Swayze

I figured since I did a poll of who should play Keanu Reeves I should do them for the other key players of the musical. So, up next is Ghost Patrick Swayze (aka Patrick Swayze).

This one was tough because Mr. Swayze is a hard force to follow. It’s like trying to capture lightening in a bottle, beautiful yet dangerous.
Here are the list of contenders:

Come on! Is there really any other person you can think of who would kill it as hard as The Swayze!?!?

Neil Patrick Harris is clearly the only choice! Unless there’s this magical unicorn man that looks exactly like Patrick Swayze living on top of a mountain that rained candy everyday, then maybe we can talk.

Honestly, from the beginning I’ve always dreamed of having NPH play Ghost Patrick Swayze. Hands down he would be perfect and able to bring the sexyness and humor that Swayze has always brought to his films.

Also NPH’s voice is like an angel!

So far the billing for the Keanu! The Musical dream cast:
Keanu Reeves played by Joseph Gordon Levitt
Ghost Patrick Swayze played by Neil Patrick Harris

This cast is really shaping up, shaping up in my mind.
But a girl can dream!

Keanu Movie Club: Hard ball (2001)

It’s Monday and we are all sleepy so why not treat yourself to a classic film, Hard ball.

Wait. You haven’t seen it you say? Well, you’re in for a treat.

Sure it may look like a bust but trust me it’ll be worth your time.

Also, here’s a test:

Guess the singer at the end of the film.

Keanu! The Comic

Happy Friday Friends!

Hope you’ve been having a good week and why not cape the end of the week with a little treat, a little thing I’ve been working on with my good friend Alexsandra Chelini to create a Keanu! Comic series. It’s been fun brainstorming ideas and Wednesday we went to Drink and Draw held every Wednesday at The New Parkway theater in Oakland.

Here’s what I created:


I’m working on a quick, rough drawing of a series called Everyday Keanu! Where it’s just him doing everyday, mundane things like celebrating Batman day a day late or eating a cupcake. I’m excited to get more going and don’t have too much now but check it out:

Keanu! The Comic

Also I’m super excited to see what Alex comes up with because she’s an amazingly talented artist! What we’ve been talking about is having a Keanu! Pin Up Series for the ladies (and gentleman). So, stay tuned for that!

Should be a crazy Keanu! ride and I hope you’ll enjoy the ride!

Keanu Movie Club: Scanner Darkly

In honor of the Richard Linklater’s new movie Boyhood being released last weekend I thought I would remind you of a little movie he did with Keanu in 2006 called Scanner Darkly.

An undercover cop in a not-too-distant future becomes involved with a dangerous new drug and begins to lose his own identity as a result.

Even the tagline reads like a typical Keanu film be in sorta like Point Break and The Matrix/Johnny Mnemonic had a love child it would be this movie.

It’s a visually stunning film and has a great cast. If you haven’t seen it before buy yourself a fancy beer and some popcorn and enjoy.

Please leave reviews too if you haven’t seen it! I would love to hear what you think.


The Results Are in…

Last week I posted a poll asking the readers who would be best suited for the role of Keanu Reeves for the musical (that is, if Mr. Reeves wouldn’t like to fill the position himself). Thank you for everyone who voted and results are in (drum roll please)…

The role of Keanu Reeves in my Keanu! The Musical “Dream Cast” goes to…….

Joseph Gordon-Levitt

It would be perfect. Not only do they look alike but Joseph Gordon-Levitt can actually SING! And he’s good!

It just makes sense. Just listen to him sing.

Imagine him singing “50MPH Love Song”. It would be magic.

Lets ask him!

Even if this dream collaboration doesn’t happen I found his awesomely-amazing collaborative production company HitRecord!

I’m going to post some Keanu! The Musical excerpts for feedback and hopefully find other folks who want to contribute to this fun musical! Should be fun and interesting and can’t wait to check out and work with some great creatives! How cool!

Dream Cast: Keanu Reeves

I know. Keanu Reeves is the IDEAL person to play himself in this play about, himself but if he’s busy lets think of some other possibilities.

Who would you like to see?

Misha, I know you can sing…so why not sing in the musical?

Just imagine Jonathan Groff belting out a love ballad to Neil Patrick Harris (who is definitely on my list to play Ghost Patrick Swayze)

And just think what an amazing job Joseph Gordon-Levitt would do:

And how hilarious Charlie Day would be:

And Stephen Colbert would FUCKIN’ KILL IT (and he’s worked with Neil Patrick Harris already…so, it just works)



Keanu Movie Club: The Gift

A surprisingly thrilling thriller with some predictable twists, this film by director Sam Raimi showed me how a slew of Academy Awarded actors can all share the spot light and work together as well oiled machine.


The sparks of anger and fear that flew between Cate Blanchett and Keanu Reeves was fantastic and really made the movie for me.

Here’s a clip of Keanu being accused for murder of Kate Holme’s character.

Confused? Just watch the movie and see how this all melts together.

It’s on Netflix….just sayin’.

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

Here they are! The Keanu! The Musical San Francisco Table Reading Images! Thank you so much to Jennifer Hart for the images!


The Magic…..The Love….The Story that will bring us all together…..



Here are the players:

dcb_keanu max_gpsnarratorriversandrabuseybadguybillSorry Adam Van Der Veer is not pictured, though he did an amazing job as Charlize Theron/Rachel Weisz!


This is just the next step to BROADWAY!!!!! Or at least to a stage performance that will run a few weeks. Nonetheless, it was great and I got great feedback and will just make this musical stronger and better!

IMG_0222Keanu, don’t worry. It’s happening…it’s getting closer…one table reading at a time.


Please wait! It’ll be worth it!